Tuesday 4 March 2014

Allaverdi, Tiflis - Can You Help?

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Stefan Berger and I are looking for examples of ALLAVERDI TIFL cancels on cover or on loose stamps during the period 1914 - 1924. We are interested in all serials and types. If you can help, please send me a scan at trevor@trevorpateman.co.uk

The example above is on a 1914 card from the Peter Ashford collection.

Update 31 July 2014: Thanks to Thomas Berger for this magnificent cover:

The cover is from the cooper mines at Allaverdi to the copper mines at Katarsky Zavod [ Giriusy, Zangezur]. They were both operated by the same Belgian company where the philatelist Gustave Boel worked as a mining engineer.

Update 5 March: Thanks to Vasilis Opsimos for this better 1915 example:

Update 24 May: Thanks to Howard Weinert for scans of the item below:

Click on Images to Magnify

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