Tuesday 29 April 2014

Forgeries of 1992 St Petersburg Overprints

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I was looking for something else and found these items which I had kept for reference.

The 1992 St Petersburg local overprints illustrated here on late cover from that city to me dated 06 01 93 were very quickly forged. Around the same time, I was sent a supply of all four values (200, 353, 450, 500) from Kyiv, with both normal and inverted overprints. My reference copies are shown at the top. They are forgeries.

The easiest thing to see is that the wavy lines which cancel the old 1 kopeck value are thicker on the forgeries than on the Originals, where they are very thin. The value "450" is also noticeably larger on the forgeries - though this could just be a plate variety.

I am sure several other - maybe many - forgeries of these local provisionals exist. Probably someone has written about them. Readers?

Just think, though, already it is over 20 years ago!

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