Monday, 14 January 2019

New Book: Tobie Mathew, Greetings from the Barricades

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This extraordinary hardback book has 478 pages which include several hundred full-colour illustrations as well as a long, detailed text. The focus is on the years 1905 - 1906.

The UK publisher, Four Corners Books, has given it a cover price of £20 which looks like a mistake for £200 but isn't. It really is £20. Buy it while stocks last (ISBN 978 1 909829 12 1). It's available  direct from the publisher  which may be the cheapest and most reliable method of obtaining it:

The author is a UK-based writer who was previously an Associated Press correspondent in Moscow. Much of the archival work for this project was undertaken in Russia.

Review to follow ...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great companion book to David King's "Blood and laughter"
